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Arizona Cypress
Native southwestern cypress with soft-textured gray-green foliage and rough shredding gray brown bark. Very drought and heat tolerant. Excellent for windbreaks and erosion control, Christmas trees, or an ornamental.
Bamboo Black
This clumping bamboo produces stunning black canes up to 3 inches in diameter. The new canes emerge green and as they harden off they become glossy black with fine green stripes. While Timor Black will grow well in full sun, best results are achieved in partial shade. Growing to a height of 40-50 feet this plant is hardy to 28 degrees F.
Bamboo Blue
The Blue Bamboo is revered for its bluish canes. The new canes are covered with a powdery coating that gives them their famous blue color. Over time, the powdery coating does wear off, exposing the green canes. Growing to a height of 30 to 35 feet, this plant produces canes up to 2 inches in diameter and is hardy to 21 degrees F.
Bamboo Budda Belly
The Budda is probably one of the most beautiful and unique of all the bamboos. It's swelled trunk combined with our twist on it(multi trunk look) will make this the conversation piece of your landscape. It's cold hardy into the high teens and may defoliate a bit during long periods of freezing temps, all of which should return during the spring season. This Bamboo may grow to 12-14 ft high with 3" Canes. Canes may suffer frost damage at 27-30 degress, but the roots will not be hurt. As the weather warms new thicker and taller shoots will appear.
Bamboo Golden Goddess
This soft leafed hedge bamboo is a great choice for someone looking to create a soft break up in the landscape or to create a smaller privacy hedge. This semi-dwarf bamboo will quickly fill in to become a beautifull dense hedge capable of reaching heights of 8-12 feet. This bamboo may grow to 12-14 ft high qith 1/2" diameter canes and is hardy to 16 degrees.
Bamboo Gracilius
This clumping bamboo is possibly the ideal bamboo for the residential landscape. Its tight clumping nature and upright habit make it suitable for spaces too small for many larger species. The Gracilius grows 25 - 30 feet tall, so it's tall enough to screen a two story home with no problem.
Bamboo Mex. Weeping
This clumping species with its whispy nature and fine texture makes it a fine addition to any bamboo loving gardener. The species can be used as a screener or as an ornamental piece. This bamboo can grow up to 15 - 20 feet and is hardy to 19 degrees F.
Bamboo Multiplex
Bambusas generally grow a very tight cluster of canes, and 'Alphonse Karr' is no exception, making it an excellent choice for a privacy screen where a clumping bamboo is desired. Tolerance of full sun makes it versatile, though the canes will show significant die back in the winter if exposed to temperature colder than 20 F.
Bamboo Mutabilis
A beautiful, erect bamboo with a whitish-blue waxy bloom on the canes. It is a tight clumper with small leaves and dense foliage. An outstanding ornamental bamboo.
Bamboo Old Hamii
The culms of the Old Hamii are tall and erect, with an attractive dark green color. Branches are generally short in length, but the leaves are wide and long. Its large size makes it an ideal choice as a hedge or accent bamboo. This tree can bring privacy or elegance to any landscape project. This bamboo may grow up to 40-50ft high with 5" diameter canes and is hardy to 18 degrees.
Black Diamond Crape Myrtle
Black Diamond® Crapemyrtles are a new, spectacular series of crapemyrtles with brilliant blooms and flawless foliage. Their compact growth habit makes attractive flowering hedges or beautiful trees to line your driveway or fence.
Bottle Brush Standard
The bottle brush tree derives its name from the fact that the bright red flowers that it bears have the shape of a bottle brush. Bottle brush trees grow superbly in the regions where the climate is warm, humid, and receive full sunlight.
Chickasaw Plum
Chickasaw Plum forms a rounded mass of slender, thorny branches sprouting from a short trunk. In spring, before the one to two-inch-long leaves appear, Chickasaw Plum is festooned with small, white, fragrant flowers which make the trees quite decorative in the presence of other trees which are often still dormant.
Chocolate Mimosa Tree
This fast growing, deciduous tree has a wide, umbrella shaped canopy with beautiful bronze-green, fern-like leaves appearing in mid-late spring. The foliage deepens to a rich chocolate burgundy color in summer.
Crape Myrtle
Crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia species) has become a dominant landscape plant in north and central Florida and throughout the south. Breeding programs over the last 30 years have produced superior forms with a wide range of plant sizes and habits, improved flowering, new flower colors, ornamental bark, ornamental foliage, disease resistance and increased vigor.
Hong Kong Orchid Tree
Top-notch as a specimen tree in a garden focal point. Make it the centerpiece of a shrub collection. The heavy purple blooms start in December and last till April just after its leaves drop for a short period, so it's a standout in any garden.
Italian Cypress
They grow almost everywhere, require little water, and can adapt to almost any soil type. Unlike most evergreens, the Italian Cypress does not grow in a pyramidal fashion. These popular new trees grow in a narrow, columnar fashion, practically reaching straight up without ever growing very wide.
Japanese Blueberry Tree
Excellent street or lawn or evergreen tree. Moderate grower with bronzy new growth maturing to a deep glossy green. Numerous tiny scented white flowers in summer. Its blue-black olive-like fruit in winter will not stain patios. A very ornamental effect is produced by older leaves turning bright red before dropping.
Ligustrum Tree
Considered one of the Staples of the Florida landscapes. Can be a very formal centerpiece to any landscape. Once trimmed to desired shape upkeep is minimal.
Live Oak
Live oak is a large spreading tree of the lower Coastal Plain from southeastern Virginia to southern Florida and to southern Texas. It normally grows in low sandy soils near the Coast but also occurs in moist rich woods and along stream banks.
Loquat Tree
A tree of moderate size, the loquat may reach 20 ft plus. It has arounded crown, short trunk, and woolly new twigs. The evergreen leaves, mostly whorled at the branch tips, are elliptical and Quite different. This Tree makes for a wonderful understory Tree with a Fruit as a bonus.
Magnolia has a compact and pyramidal growth habit and is evergreen. This cultivar does not produce as many flowers as most; the flowers are like most Southern Magnolias, creamy white globe shaped with fantastic fragrance. The leaves on D.D. Blanchard Magnolia are unique, the tops are shiny green like other Magnolias but the backs are a rusty almost orange color. A striking tree for any landscape. It can reach up to 50 feet tall with a 25-30' spread at maturity.
Magnolia Braken Brown Beauty
It is a compact cultivar that typically grows to 30’ tall with a dense, narrow, pyramdial-oval crown, which produces flowers and leaves that are approximately one-half the size of those on species’ plants. A great Magnolia specie that does well in the Tampa Area.
Nellie R Stevens Holly
A fast grower, for a holly family tree the 'Nellie R. Stevens' holly typically reaches a height of about 30', spreads out about 15' at its base and has a pyramidal shape. 'Nellie R. Stevens' holly bears spiny, dark green leaves and round red berries.
Oakland Holly
If you love holly, but hate to prune, Oakland is the answer to your prayers. Its dense, pyramidal shape needs no pruning or shearing to maintain. This upright grower also boasts unique, oak-shaped leaves of medium green, as well as lots of bright red berries.
Olive Tree
The Olive is an evergreen tree or shrub native to the Mediterranean, Asia and parts of Africa. It is short and squat, and rarely exceeds 30' in height. It's cold and drought tolerance make it very attractive to the tree enthusiast.
Plum Tree
The beautiful purple-leafed plum performs perfectly in the Tampa Bay area. Topping out at 15 feet, this beauty has small white flowers in spring and a great red fall color. Drought tolerant once established and has best color in full sun.
The Podocarpus Shrub Plant has long skinny leaflet, which forms a unique looking hedge, plant this hedge row and have a one of kind classy hedge row or trim as a formal accent specimen.
Red Cedar
Red cedar is often used as a free-standing specimen. It is also used as a wind break tree, planted in staggered, double rows. In the southern United States, the Red Cedar is widely grown for fresh-cut or live-dug Christmas trees.
River Birch
River birch is well named as it loves riparian (wet) zones, adapts well to wet sites and reaches its maximum size in rich alluvial soils. The tree is also heat resistant and can survive moderate bouts of drought.
Slash Pine
Because of Slash Pine's rapid growth, it is used to stabilize soil and makes a decent tree as long as you have the room for it. These Trees get BIG.
Standard Ligustrum Trees
Considered one of the staples of the Florida landscapes. The standard or single trunk version of this tree gives it a little classier look. Can be a very formal centerpiece to any landscape. Once trimmed to desired shape, upkeep is minimal.
Weeping Podocarpus
Growing in full sun or partial shade, this plant will tolerate a wide range of well-drained soils and should be protected from frost. It is considerably tolerant of dry soils, requiring no irrigation once established. Its weeping habit make it a great centerpice to any landscape.
Weeping Youpon Holly
The Weeping Youpon Holly Evergreen Shrub Plant is covered with bright red berries during the Christmas season. The colors of green and red provide a festive holiday tone for your landscape.Birds and other wildlife love to eat the berries of the Weeping Youpon Holly evergreen shrub plant.