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Abelia Rosie Creek
Rosie Creek Abelia is a small shrub with lustrous dark green leaves and fragrant white flowers. At each flower base, small pink leaves form that set the flowers off nicely. The pink leaves remain long after the blossom has faded. This evergreen shrub looks great all year long and this little shrub quickly grows to full size, filling in its space in the garden nicely. The growth habit is nice and dense, forming a nice mounded shape. This plant gives you a wonderful look with very little maintenance and fuss. It is adaptable and beautiful as well as easy to grow.
Best flowering in full sun. Performswell in hot and humid climates, Prompt removal of spent flowers will promote a more profuse bloom.
Apostle Iris
The delicate flowers last only a day but the plant continues to form new blooms for long periods of time during late spring months. The Apostle is a type of walking Iris. Once the flower is spent, the stem that it was born on lays to the ground and from that a new plant is formed. For that reason it is said to be walking across your garden. You can divide plants and plant them in new locations.
Azaleas are flowering shrubs that bloom prodomantly during the spring, Some species like the Red Ruffle will keep producing flowers thoughout the year.
Black Magic Ti
Ti plants, or cordylines, are extremely popular worldwide for their intense leaf colors and leaf shapes producing interest and contrasts even in deep shade.
Blue Cascade
An exciting new evergreen featuring matte blue-green foliage with a cascading, layered habit. Its reddish-maroon flowers in late January through March add interest during the winter months. With its heat and drought tolerance, it is the perfect plant to use as a specimen or grouping in any size garden.
BottleBrush Compacta
A delightful evergreen shrub that forms a 3x3 rounded mound with narrow bluish gray-green leaves and flowers of blood red bristle stamens that appear throughout the year. The Compacta will plant out in full sun to light shade. Is drought tolerant in coastal gardens but tolerates and performs best with some irrigation.
Butterfly bush is the perfect foundation plant for a butterfly garden. The dark flowered varieties show up quite well against a light background and are a must have for any butterfly enthusiast.
Bush Daisy
This Daisy works well as a perennial border or as a stand-alone specimen. Bush-daisy also is grown in planters and as a foundation plant.
Natal plum prefers a sandy, well-drained soil. It responds well to close pruning and is easily kept at any size. Many of the cultivars have a tendency to produce branches that revert to the species characteristics, so it may be necessary to prune frequently to prevent the cultivar from reverting completely.
Carissa Holly
Commonly used as a low growing hedge or foreground planting, and requires no maintenance at all in terms of trimming / pruning to maintain its rounded appearance. At maturity, this variety kinda looks like a pincushion that has been flattened slightly.
Carolina Jasmine
Carolina Jasmine will rapidly cover arbors, tree trunks, trellises, etc. in a season or two. This is a well behaved vine that will stay in scale and can be used on decks and porches and on trellises near patios and entryways. It grows well in containers and as ground cover along steep banks. Carolina jasmine is a good candidate for low maintenance landscapes.
Carolina Moonlight
A white Blooming Loropetulam! A compact, dense variety featuring abundant creamy white tassel blooms. Presentation is further enhanced with thick, evergreen foliage and very small olive green leaves. Blooms in later winter to early spring.
Cassia can be a delight in the fall landscape because it is covered with cheerful yellow flowers when few other plants are blooming. Plus, cassia provides interesting foliage during other times of the year. You can't go wrong with this striking specimen.
Confederate Jasmine Varigated
Use Confederate jasmine to cover fences and pergolas or to clamber up tree trunks. Use to soften concrete and brick walls and absorb heat in urban landscapes. Works well in containers and urns and the variegated variety is especially nice in hanging baskets.
Confederate Jasmine
Use Confederate jasmine to cover fences and pergolas or to clamber up tree trunks. Use to soften concrete and brick walls and absorb heat in urban landscapes. Works well in containers and urns and the variegated variety is especially nice in hanging baskets.
Conversation Azalea
Evergreen azalea with large, multi-colored and splotched flowers of rose, pink, white and red. Flowers have light throats. A wonderful group of late spring flowering azalea grown for their large, showy, pastel-colored flowers.
You can use it in mixed hedges or alone; in either case, it will be a striking addition to your garden. Do remember that a frost can do a great deal of damage to this plant, which is why many people in more northerly latitudes will tend to grow it indoors.
Crotons are a small shrub and can reach a height of 5-6 feet. The leaves are leathery and start out green and gradually change color as it matures. If you need color in your landscape this palnt is a must.
Crown of Thorns
The Crown of Thorns plant is a woody, spiny, climbing succulent shrub. Leaves are found primarily on young growth, and the plant may defoliate completely if put under moisture or temperature stress. Subsequent growth will bear new leaves. The plant flowers nearly all year, and especially in the winter. The flowers are small and inconspicuous, but the brightly colored modified leaves (bracts) found just beneath the flowers are quite attractive.
Dipladenia can be grown as a climber, reaching 10 ft. or more, or you can grow it as a bush. Large flowers appear in summer. The blossoms appear on the plant while it is still small, and the glossy leaves make it attractive all year round. Vigorous evergreen twining vine with thick, dark, 4" long leaves and whorled trumpet-like 3-5" flowers in various colors.
Dracena Marginata
The Dracena's foliage is a near vertical to horizontal mass of narrow pointed green leaves with red to purple stripes along the outer edge. As new leaves emerge from the top, the mature leaves on the bottom drop away.
Drift Rose
Here comes the next big thing for small gardens. The Drift Roses are repeat-bloomers that are tough, disease resistant, winter hardy and virtually maintenance-free. These Roses are a cross between full-size groundcover roses and miniature roses. From the former they kept toughness, disease resistance and winter hardiness. From the miniatures, they inherited their well-managed size and repeat-blooming nature. Continuously blooming from spring to frost, they are naturally dwarf, with very attractive foliage.
Dwarf Bufordi Holly
A very nice small to medium sized holly with very shiny, deep green foliage. Has leaves with one terminal spine at the very tip. One of the easiest of all hollies to keep. Produces large numbers of nice, bright red berries every year.
Dwarf Clusia
Dwarf Clusia will grow in partial shade and is usually 2 feet or less in height and spreading. It can be planted as a ground cover; its handsome leaves and lovely colorful flowers enhance a garden. It can also be grown as a border plant along walkways. Be careful to plant in freeze and frost free type areas as they are suspect to cold spells that dip under 35 degrees.
Dwarf Papyrus
A small, aquatic sedge with fine-textured, threadlike, terminal bracts and glossy, green umbels that grow to 2-3" in diameter. The flowers are born in noticeable brown spikes. A wonderful accent in small pools, ponds, pots, or tubs, and a stunning choice for fresh or dried arrangements also. Pest and disease-free.
Encore® Azalea
People who adore spring blooming azaleas can now enjoy an explosion of Encore® Azalea color season after season. Encore® Azaleas are the only patented brand of azaleas to bloom in spring, summer, and fall.
Endless Summer
The repeat blooms of Endless Summer® The Original truly offer gardeners an endless summer of incredible color. This hardy plant is perfect for everything from foundation planting to container gardening. They even make an ideal floral arrangement or table setting as cut flowers. A great addition to your hard to find shady area color schemes.
These little flowering shrubs pack a huge punch of color, blooming nearly year-round. They are also a great choice for those yards that have limited watering means, as they are very drought tolerant.
Feijoas respond well to pruning and can easily be shaped to any desired form. They make an excellent hedge or stand alone accent.
Fiesta Hibiscus
This breathtaking tropical evergreen shrub displays large single blooms of bright orange petals with crinkled edges that quickly change to a blush red eye zone over a white background.
Firebush Dwarf
Clusters of firey-orange tubular blooms are seemingly born throughout the year atop this miniature growing plant. This compact form lends it to smaller spaces and makes a great container specimen.
Coral plant is often grown in hanging baskets. It does well on the patio or indoors in front of a window. Outdoors, let coral plant spill over a wall or raised bed. Stems can be tied to a trellis or wall.
Frost Proof Gardenia
New Frost Proof Gardenias are unaffected by cold snaps and thrive on neglect. They adapt to a variety of soil conditions, do great in full sun or partial shade, and resist insects and disease. Even deer leave them alone.
Variegated shell ginger is a tall and dramatic landscape or container plant. The leaves are about 2 ft long and 6 in across and strikingly variegated with irregular stripes of green and yellow.
Gold Mound Duranta
This shrub may be grown in a mixed or shrub border; Flowers in shades of sky-blue, lilac, purple, or white blossom gracefully along arching branches in summer; they are followed by spherical, yellow fruit.
Grey Owl Juniper
Grey Owl juniper is a female clone, and is known to be very prolific producer of juniper berries & cones. Definitely one of our favorite juniper varieties - worth heavy consideration when looking for an attractive, low maintenance, hardy shrub of medium height.
GulfStream Nandina
If you are looking for a shrub that has lacy foliage; colorful fall foliage color, interesting flowers, autumn berries and is evergreen, take a good look at a Nandina. This plant has just about everything a homeowner could ask for, all in one plant.
Heaven Scent Gardenia
The Heaven Scent® Gardenia. In late spring it creates a huge show as it is covered in intensely fragrant blooms. And as a wonderful repeat bloomer, you will also enjoy the fragrant, elegant blooms from late spring through summer. It has a tight, upright form so it fits into any garden and is great for containers. In fall, notice the colorfully red, yellow, and orange seed pods on this exciting new variety.
Heliconia are grown for their beautiful, brilliant colorful flowering bracts. Breathtaking and unusual flowerheads (bracts) rise from clumps of banana like leaves, sometimes very large or slender. Their height may on some species vary from as small as 2' to 25' depending on variety.
The Hibiscus is a perennial favorite among home gardeners for its ease of care and its large showy flowers that persist for weeks in the hot summertime.
Holly Fern
The Holly Fern is a coarse-textured; but handsome fern to 2 to 3 ft. tall. Holly ferns are great for growing indoors, not only because of their glossy green fronds, but because they withstand dry air, drafts, and low light levels.
Japanese honeysuckle is an evergreen to semi-evergreen vine that can be found either trailing or climbing.Leaves are opposite, sessile, pubescent, oval and 1 to 2.5 in. Flowering occurs from April to July, when showy, fragrant, tubular, whitish-pink to yellow flowers develop in the axils of the leaves.
Hydrangea Nikko Blue
The Nikko has large, round, flower heads that are a bold blue. THe flower color of the Nikko depends on the acidity level of the soil. In acidic soil, the Nikko Blue Hydrangea has deep blue flowers, while in alkaline soil, the blooms tend to be lighter, and sometimes even pink. These hydrangeas grows best in fertile, well-drained, soils and should be watered regularly during dry periods. The Nikko Blue Hydrangea prefers full sun but should be given half shade in areas that have overly hot summers.
Ilex Schilling
Trouble-free, medium growing hedge or background for flower borders. Popular foundation plant. Durable and long-lived.
Indian Hawthorne
Indian hawthornes are compact evergreen shrubs that grow 3 to 5 feet in height eventually forming a mound that is about as wide as high. The oblong leaves are thick and leathery with serrated edges.
Ixora Maui
Ixora may be the most common flowering shrub seen in Florida, It has many uses and produces a lovely bouquet of red or yellow flowers.
Jack Frost
Fast growing dense upright shrub or small tree with large shiny dark green leaves and strongly fragrant creamy flowers in May. Takes pruning well. Leaves have an irregular, thin creamy white margin that make it a very attractive shrub.
Juniper Parsoni
Parson's juniper is a ground hugging evergreen conifer with flat, feathery branches and both scaly and needlelike leaves.
Kaleidoscope is a very versatile plant that is frost, drought, and heat tolerant as well as deer-resistant. A position in full sun brings out the most vibrant color changes in the leaves. This is a must have for any plant enthusiest. Sit back and watch the prism like colors change every season.
Knockout Rose
This shrub rose set a new standard in disease resistance with little to no maintenance required. The bloom cycle produces rich cherry red/hot pink blooms that will continue until the first hard frost. Black spot resistant, drought tolerant and self-cleaning, this rose suits every garden and every lifestyle.
Lemon-Lime Warnecki
This plant is noted for its yellowish/lime green stripes on the leaves rather than the white stripes of the regular warneckii. It really adds a bright splash of color in your otherwise green plantings.
Fantastic thick leaves surround this very full plant, but the real treat are the fragrant white blooms in spring. A must have for any shady yard.
Japanese privet is an attractive and tough plant that requires little care. It is extremely fast growing and can add green "bulk" to new landscapes quickly. Ligustrums provide a source of food for birds when other berries or food sources are meager.
Ligustrum Sinesis
This semi-evergreen shrub that is useful for brightening any dull areas. The leaves are a matte green with irregular creamy white margins, variegation can fade in overly shady conditions and with excess cold temperatures. This shrub will produce fragrant white flowers in early summer. Keep trimmed to retain a dense growth habit.
The semi-evergreen perennial can be used as a large border plant or specimen shrub.Flowers: Small vivid pink tassel flowers open along matured branches in spring or early summer and a light flush may occur in fall. This is one of the premier bushes in our area!
This vine can be trained to climb posts and lattice. It is a perfect choice for colorful quick growing screens. Let mandevilla drip from an arbor or garland your front porch or entryway. Here in Florida this vine is probably THE favorite vine for growing up lamp and mailbox posts.
McCarthur Bottlebrush
Great compact Callistemon with bright red flowers most of the year. Very hardy to heat and frost. Low water requirements once established. It produces a deeper red flower over a longer period. Bushy compact habit and responds well to pruning. It can be grown in full sun or partial shade and will tolerate most soil conditions.
Nandina Domestica
Nandina is wonderful almost anywhere. It shows up well against light colored buildings and is good to use in a group of three or more as a corner foundation plant.
Nandina Firepower
Nandina Dwarf Firepower is an impossibly bright compact evergreen with lime green leaves and superior fire red color in the fall and winter. Nandina Dwarf Firepower is the consummate accent for landscapes in need of color in area's where freezing temp's are an issue.
O'Spring Holly
A delightful variation from the regular holly, this holly's variegation is what sets it apart from all the others. O'Spring is a male clone so do not expect berries on this holly, but the foliage is absolutely wonderful! Leaf shape is the typical Chinese Holly shape. The O'spring will perform in either sun or shade.
Use for screens, informal hedges, colorful accents, beach plantings, and cityscapes. By removing suckers, and leaving just a few stems, oleander can be formed into very attractive small trees.
Pink Blush
Blush Pink is an exciting new version of Nandina with stunning pink new growth sets it apart from its rivals. The pink color glows throughout the growing season leading up to a spectacular fall and winter display of bright pink and red foliage. A compact growth habit makes it ideal as a mass planting or a border.
Pinwheel Jasmine
For those of you looking for a versatile shrub that will bloom in most environments look no further then the Pinwheel jasmine. With its glossy green foliage accentuated by fragrant white blooms this shrub is sure to be hit. The pinwheel offers the rarity of a blooming plant capable of thriving in full sun to nearly full shade.
Plum Yew
Japanese plum yew is becoming an extremelyy useful landscape plant in the Tampa Bay area. It is more interesting than most of the junipers, and more tolerant of shade than almost any needle evergreen. And deer don't eat it! Japanese plum yew tolerates severe pruning, and makes a good hedge in a semi-shady or even shady area. It is well suited for foundation plantings.
Plumbago is an extremely reliable, resilient plant which has been popular for home gardens as well as for commercial landscapes for many years. Plumbago may be found in gardens all over the world.
The Podocarpus Shrub Plant has long skinny leaflet, which forms a unique looking hedge, plant this hedge row and have a one of kind classy hedge row or trim as a formal accent specimen.
This exceptional evergreen shrub is a dwarf form of an old landscape favorite. It has small dark green needle-like foliage and a dense habit. It Makes for an excellent specimen or low hedge plant with very little upkeep..
Pringle Podocarpus
The Pringle's Podocarpus is a delightful change from it's big brother the maki in that the spread is equal to or greater than the height. It responds well to pruning, making a tight plant that can be pruned to a formal or informal shape. These podo's have a max height of 3-4 ft and can be maintained at any size under that relatively easy.
Purple Pixie
A dwarf spreading form of the Chinese Fringe Flower that boasts some of the most intense purple foliage color of any plant on the market. Vibrant pink, witchhazel-like, fringy blooms are heavy in spring, appear occasionally in summer and again in fall, providing a stunning contrast with the evergreen, purple foliage.
Rainbow Blueberry
The Rainbow Blueberry could possibly be the most versatile plant to come around in a long time. This plant offers Drought resistance, freeze reisistance, edible friut, and a seasonal color change. It has countless uses in any landscape project you may have.
Red Alert Bottlebrush
This Australian bottlebrush was selected for its abundance of prominent and vivid red new growth which is present in spring and two month into the Fall. It can be maintained as a mid-sized shrub to eye level hedge plant
Red Bamboo Ginger
This variety of Ginger has dark green leaves with red undersides. It is also a fragrant ginger that looks like a cross betweeen a ginger and a bamboo! Perfect patio container plant. Prefers some shade.
Red Crimson Barberry
Crimson Pygmy Barberry is a smaller, dwarf version of the original Red Barberry. Nice dark blood red leaves keep their color all the way from spring till frost. Crimson Pygmy has a neat, compact, round growth habit. which makes it's applications nearly endless.
Red Hot Hibicus
The Red Hot has gorgeous tricolored foliage, greens, rich burgundy and white in various shades, deeper and more dramatic the more sun it receives. Gorgeous red blooms compliment this stunning plant.
Red Sister
Ti plants or cordylines, are extremely popular worldwide for their intense leaf colors and leaf shapes producing interest and contrasts even in deep shade.
Rubber Plants
Rubber plants can grow quite tall but this growth can be kept in check by the size of pot used. Depending on the selected site, a small pot will ensure a small manageable plant whereas a large pot will let the plant grow to its full potential.
Rubber Plants - Varigated
Rubber plants can grow quite tall but this growth can be kept in check by the size of pot used. Depending on the selected site, a small pot will ensure a small manageable plant whereas a large pot will let the plant grow to its full potential.
Serissa's tidy habit and long blooming period make it an attractive hedge and edging plan. It makes for a great low hedge or small accent filler.
SeaGreen Juniper
This Juniper is a compact shrub with a fountain-like, arching habit. The bright green, fine textured foliage forms a vase shaped six foot plant. The Sea Green is tolerant of many soils and weather conditions.
Shooting Star
Shooting star is aptly named, and the gorgeous, complex structure of the flower will have you marveling at how innovative nature can be. This intriguing little shrub is a great choice for naturalistic shade gardens.
A compact shrub or container plant with opposite dark green ovate acuminate leaves growing 4-5' in sun. These little beauties are suspect to cold weather, so be sure to put them in areas where they are fairly protected from frost and freezes. Extremely fragrant tubular pure white 1" flowers resemble little stars, attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.
Familiar, old-fashioned flowering shrubs, spireas are enjoying a well deserved resurgent popularity in residential landscapes these days. Both traditional bridal wreath types and new, compact hybrid versions of this lovely, self-reliant plant are justifiably appreciated for their delicate flowers, vigor and pest resistance.
The Starburst plant produces huge flower clusters like showers of fireworks that turn it from handsome backdrop scenery into the star of the show. This is one of the most spectacular Florida flowering plants - and even though the blooms decorate it only in late winter or early spring, the fantastic floral display is well worth the wait. You can keep it trimmed to shrub form or use it as a small tree.
If there is one plant that tops every list of tropical landscape plants, then that is Stromanthe Sanguinea Triostar. The only draw back to this shrub is it must be in a fairly shaded area in order to keep its vibrant color.
Sunshine Ligustrum
This show stopper is ideal as a low-growing hedge in the landscape. Sunshine Ligustrum offers year-round golden foliage that flourishes in full sun. Despite it showy foliage color it has a cold hardy rating to -10 degrees!
Taiwanese Ixora
The Taiwanese Red Dwarf Ixora is an evergreen shrub that averages 18 to 24 inches in height with a comparable spread. It’s much smaller than the other Ixora species. It’s a very compact, dense and dwarf multi-branched shrub with a gorgeous bouquet type display of red flowers.
Tea Olive
Plant tea olives where their lovely fragrance can be enjoyed! Situate a tea olive wherever there is foot traffic near windows or doors and in outdoor sitting areas. Incorporate tea olive into foundation plantings at the corners or use as an accent between windows. A row of tea olive makes a very attractive hedge or screen.
This shrub is one of the best for shearing into low hedges. Use in foundation plantings beneath windows where it's dense thicket of stems will discourage prowlers. Thryallis makes a great background plant for perennial beds.
Varigated Anise
The Shady lady Anise has a dramatic color schem compared to it's cousin the Florida Anise. A great cold hardy shrub that prefers low-mid light applications.
Varigated Arbicola
The variegated cream and green leaves make this plant a crowd favorite, it's the too-good-to-be-true plant. May be used in many different applications from a formal hedge to a nice filler. This is a plant you can't do without.
Viburnum Odortissimum
Use sweet viburnum as a hedge plant when a tall, thick, impenetrable screen is desired. In Central and South Florida, it is used for noise control, often by planting as a buffer between neighborhoods and highways. It may also be pruned to be tall but narrow, and used for complete enclosure of patio gardens.
Viburnum Suspensum
Suspensum viburnum is a reliable and trouble-free evergreen shrub with a fairly rapid growth rate. Makes an excellant medium size hedge and does well in both sun and shade.
Viburnum Walters
Walter's viburnum is a very dense shrub and as such quite suitable for hedging. It tolerates hard pruning and could be made into topiary or formal hedges. Left to its own growth pattern, Walter's viburnum becomes a beautiful shrub with a dense, rounded form, eventually developing into a small tree with a broad spreading crown.
The showy chaste tree makes a particularly effective specimen - use it as the centerpiece of a lawn or in large containers. It makes a colorful addition to a mixed border if kept pruned to shrub size. Chaste tree probably looks best unpruned, leave it to sprawl and it will eventually for a large green sphere of foliage and flower. Leaves have medicinal use, and seeds can be used for seasoning.
This philodendron bears lush foliage with a dusty pink midrib beneath. It can best be described as a much more compact and more densely foliated Philodendron. Unlike almost all other Philodendron species its foliage and form actually improves as the plant develops. The leaves have a lovely deep serration, very appealing.
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Grow yesterday-today-and-tomorrow in a pot so you can bring it indoors when temperatures drop. With pruning, it can be kept to a manageable size. In mild climates, yesterday-today-and-tomorrow makes an attractive specimen shrub, or use it in a mixed hedge or foundation planting.