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Adonidia Palm
The showy Christmas palm is a compact beauty whose small stature makes it perfect for use in courtyards, atriums and other small scale plantings. It is sometimes closely planted in groups of two or three. This causes the stems to curve in graceful arcs away from the center of the planting creating a lovely living sculpture.
Areca Palm
The graceful Areca Palm tends to grow in clumps. The adult plant looks like a large bush that can reach 20 feet or more in height with a spread of 5-10 feet. As a houseplant it is usually grown much smaller.
Bismarkia Palm
Because of its huge ultimate size and mass, the Bismarck palm is not recommended for small yards as it dominates its space, dwarfing and obscuring adjacent structures. This palm is best planted where it can serve as a focal point.
Bottle Palm 45 Gal
This charming little palm is a whimsical sculpture when set out on the lawn as a specimen, especially for small yards where other palms will grow out of scale. Plant bottle palms in containers and feature it in a prominent spot on the patio, just be leary of subfreezing temps as damge may occur.
Canary Palm
Phoenix Canariensis has been utilized as a theme generating focal point in landscapes worldwide for decades. Its majesty and substantial presence make the Canary Island Date Palm a powerful choice where you a looking to bring natural maturity to a site.
CardBoard Palm
Cycad is salt resistant and can be used in beachside plantings. Also makes a great container plant for the patio or deck. It is a great houseplant tough enough to survive occasional neglect and harsh indoor environment.
Chinese Fan Palm
These make for slow-growing, but striking landscape specimens. The Chinese Fan Palm is tolerant of poor soils, but does the best when regularly fertilized.
Coconut Palm
Nothing could be finer than a coconut palm. No other palm says "tropical" like the coconut and few can be argued as more beautiful. The coconut palm is also the most recognized palm in the world. Coconuts are salt tolerant growing right on the beach, but do better a few hundred feet back.
Coontie Palm
Coontie is perfect for woodland and shady gardens where it provides rich evergreen backdrop for flowering species all year long. It works well as a transition plant near larger specimens. Creates a tropical affect when planted by the trunks of pine trees in woodland settings. Coontie is perfect for xeriscapes and as a low maintenance ground cover.
European Fan Palm
European Fan Palm Trees grow well in the full sun or either partial shade, and the leaves often look silver in the full sun. they are extremely cold tolerent.
Fishtail Palm
The Fishtail palms are fast growing species. They prefer full sun, high humidity and rich fertilile soils. The exotic plants can be grown indoors in bright filtered light.
Foxtail Palm
Foxtail palm is considered by palm enthusiasts and landscapers to be a useful accent in a wide spectrum of landscape settings. It is prized for its robust trunk and its unique bushy leaves. Foxtail palm may be used alone as an accent specimen and may also be planted in groups of three or more for a stunning massed effect. But proceed with caution as they will sustain damage at sub freezing temperatures.
King Sago
Cycas revoluta, one of the most primitive living seed plants, are very unusual and popular ornamentals. This palm is actually related to conifer and Ginko trees which trace their origins back to the ancient flora of the early Mesozoic era.Often called "living fossils", Cycads have changed very little in the last 200 million years.
By all definitions this is literally the perfect palm! Once mature it displays a dark brown trunk with massive caliper. Its pinnate structured fronds are long with wide, dark green leaflets similar to a coconut palm. What makes this palm truly special is that despite its tropical appearance it is completely cold hardy to 12 degrees Fahrenheit!
Needle Palm
The needle palm is a perfect, low maintenance plant that makes an excellent specimen plant for small spaces near the patio or entryways. In the shade garden the needle palm provides a rich green backdrop of flowering plants and it blends beautifully with nearly any flowering schrub. The most cold hardy palm available.
Nitida Palm
The Nitida is a close cousin to the Ribbon palm. It has a solitary nature with very erect frond structure. It makes for an excellant specimen with a slightly faster growing habit than most Livistonias. A huge bonus is its tolerance to cold weather and heavy frosts!.
Paurotis Palm
This palm likes full sun and is tolerant to standing water. It’s a great palm tree because although it likes moist it will tolerate drought. Paurotis Palm is extremely hardy and can tolerate cold up to 25F.
Pindo Palm
Pindo Palm trees are beautiful feather-leafed palms with long pinnate leaves that arch and re-curve towards the ground from atop a thick, stout trunk.
Queen Palm
The Best "bang for your buck". No palm gives you the elegance and tradition of the Queen at such a value. The Queen is the staple of the Florida landscape..
Raphis Palm
Use lady palm in the landscape to create dense screens and hedges. Thin out stems and trim leaves to make a graceful accent for the patio or Japanese garden. Lady palm can be used for foundation plantings and in outdoor tubs and planters..
Ribbon Palm
Attractive and tough, graceful and durable, consider adding this drought tolerant palm to your warm area landscape..
Roebelenii Palm
The Staple palm of nearly every Florida landscape.These dainty palms grow fronds containing a profusion of shiny, thin green leaf strips and provide a decidedly tropical appearance to a landscape. Their size and elegant look with year-round lush green foliage makes Roebelenii palm trees popular choices for residential and commercial gardens alike..
Silver European Fan Palm
European Fan Palm Trees grow well in the full sun or either partial shade, and the leaves often look silver in the full sun. they are extremely cold tolerent..
Silver Palmetto
The deeply cut leaves of the famous Saw Palmettos are among the most graceful of all palms. The leaves of this desirable "silver" species develop a powdery blue-green color..
Specimen WindMill Palms
The Windmill Palm is the ideal subject for our ever changing Central Florida weather. The Windmill works well as a framing tree, accent, specimen, and patio or urn subject. It is ideal for use as an accent in a shady shrub border or by a front entryway. It does well in confined areas and is hardy to near zero degrees..
Sugar Palms
An attractive ornamental palm, popular for its fishtail leaves, compact growing habit and pretty fruit stalks. The Dwarf Sugar Palm is the quintessential tropical landscape palm.The Dwarf Sugar Palm is an excellent specimen for cooler subtropical climates..
Sylvestris Palm
This palm exudes CLASS. Considered to be one of the elite specimens palms on the market. A must have for any collector..
Taraw Palm
One of the most unique palms that exsist, the Taraw palm is a solitary palm with a robust gray/orange/brown trunk. It has a deep green foliage with costpalmate leaves. The palms leafstalks are covered in armored thorns which are very ornamental and pleasing to the eye. This palm is produced in very limited quantities and a must have for any specimen palm enthusiast.
Washingtonia Palm
Washington palm has many fine attributes including salt resistance and fast rate of growth. This palm is inexpensive, easy to transplant and easy to find.